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Plastic Surgeron in Lucknow, Hopewell Hospital

Plastic Surgery

Within Hopewell Hospital’s Plastic Surgery Department, our team of board-certified plastic surgeons is committed to enhancing your physical appearance and boosting your confidence.

  • Our Plastic Surgery Department utilizes precision techniques in a range of aesthetic and reconstructive procedures, ensuring exceptional results and patient satisfaction.
  • Understanding the significance of comprehensive care, our Plastic Surgery Department provides dedicated post-operative support to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal aesthetic outcomes.
  • Committed to a holistic approach, our team not only focuses on surgical excellence but also considers the emotional and psychological aspects of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures.
  • We understand the importance of comprehensive care. Our Maxillofacial Trauma Unit provides dedicated post-operative support to facilitate a smooth recovery process.

Plastic Surgery Department - Hopewell Hospital Aliganj, Lucknow

Elevating Aesthetic Confidence: Excellence in Plastic Surgery at Hopewell Hospital.

Embark on a transformative journey towards enhanced aesthetics at Hopewell Hospital’s Plastic Surgery Department. With a focus on achieving natural-looking results, our department offers a variety of cosmetic and reconstructive treatments, advanced facilities, and a team of skilled plastic surgeons. Located in Aliganj, Lucknow, we are dedicated to guiding you towards improved physical well-being.

Experience transformation through our specialized treatments:

World Class Facilities

At Hopewell Hospital, we take pride in offering cutting-edge facilities designed to provide you with comprehensive plastic surgery care. Our Plastic Surgery Department is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and a team of dedicated plastic surgeons to ensure your well-being.


  • Advanced aesthetic imaging techniques for precise assessments
  • Collaborative approach with other medical specialties for holistic care
  • Modern operation theaters with specialized plastic surgical equipment
  • Compassionate post-operative care for an enhanced recovery journey


  • Advanced maxillofacial imaging techniques for accurate diagnosis
  • Collaborative approach with other medical specialties for holistic care
  • Modern operation theaters with specialized maxillofacial surgical equipment
  • Compassionate post-operative care for an improved recovery journey

Our Departments

Opening Hours

  • Monday – Friday
    24 Hours Open
  • Saturday
    24 Hours Open
  • Sunday
    24 Hours Open

Office Location

FAQs - Plastic Surgery Department (Plastic Surgeon) in Aliganj, Lucknow

Here are some frequently asked questions to help you get acquainted with our services:

Our Plastic Surgery Department is staffed with board-certified plastic surgeons who have extensive experience in both cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. To find the best plastic surgeon for your specific needs, you can schedule a consultation by calling our hospital at 83033 75272

The recovery time for plastic surgery procedures varies depending on the type of surgery performed. Our plastic surgeons will provide you with detailed information about the expected recovery period during your consultation. Factors such as the complexity of the procedure and individual healing rates can influence recovery time.

Yes, our Plastic Surgery Department offers a range of non-surgical aesthetic treatments for facial rejuvenation. These may include injectables, dermal fillers, and laser therapies. Our plastic surgeons will assess your goals and recommend the most suitable options to enhance your facial appearance without surgery.

Absolutely. Our plastic surgeons specialize in reconstructive procedures for congenital conditions, addressing aesthetic concerns and improving functionality. If you or your child has a congenital condition that may benefit from surgical intervention, our team will provide comprehensive consultations to discuss available options and create a personalized treatment plan.

Post-operative care is crucial for a successful outcome and a smooth recovery process. It helps minimize complications, ensures proper healing, and enhances the overall results of the plastic surgery procedure. Our Plastic Surgery Department is committed to providing dedicated post-operative support, including follow-up appointments and guidance on post-surgical care.

We hope these FAQs have provided you with valuable insights into Plastic Surgery in Hopewell Hospital in Aliganj, Lucknow. If you have further questions or wish to schedule an appointment, feel free to reach out. Your health and well-being are our priority.

Ready to Take the Next Step Towards Better Health?

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

+91 830 337 5272